- Determining of the presence of aluminous cement in a sample of hardened concrete (oxine method).
- X-Ray Difraction of a sample of hardened concrete.
- Potentiometric determining of chloride of a hardened concrete sample.
- Determining of the sulphate content of a hardened concrete sample.
- Determining of the cement content in a hardened concrete sample.
- Determining of the possible carbonation and depth mesure of a hardened concrete sample.
- Determining of the density and aparent porosity of a hardened concrete sample test-tube.
- Obtaining (by means of disc saw cut), mortar head-leveling and compression breaking of a prismatic concrete test tube.
- Obtaining (by means of disc saw cut), mortar head-leveling and compression breaking of three prismatic test tubes of a concrete sample.
- Extraction of five microtest-tubes of a concrete sample at the Laboratory.
- Cutting and compression breaking of five concrete microtest-tubes.
- Extraction "in situ" of five microtest-tubes of a concrete joist.
- Extraction, cut, head leveling and compression breaking of a concrete test-tube sample of Ø 25 up to 100 mm.
- Extraction of a concrete test-tube sample, at construction site (without test).
- Extraction of a concrete test-tube sample of Ø 25 up to 100mm, at the laboratory.
- Cutting, head leveling and breaking of a sample brought to the laboratory.
- Head leveling and compression breaking of a concrete test-tube.
- Localization and estimation of the bar Ø and of its recoating depth in reinforced concrete elements.
- Flexure test on a concrete joist brought to the Laboratory, and the determining of maximum load, maximum deflection, geometrical features, steel elastic limit, aparent densities and porosities, compression resistance of concrete, carbonation depth.
- Flexure test on a concrete joist brought to the Laboratory with determining of the maximum load and maximum deflection.
- Determining of geometrical features and the bars of a joist.
- Determining of the chemical composition by X-Ray Fluorescence.
- Termogravimetric analysis of a concrete sample.
- Liquid water absortion (hidrofugation) 3 Karsten pipettes.
- Extraction and compression test of concrete microtest-tubes.