
Pedrera Romana de Mèdol

Geological, structural and geotechnical, biodiposites and repair mortars study of the "Pedrera del Mèdol".

2014. Tarragona, Catalunya

Joan Ramón Rosell, Antonia Navarro, Núria Guash, José Luís Parada 


Brief Description:

In the restoration works that were carried out in the Roman quarry of Médol (Tarragona), the company EMR, S.L. established a collaboration with the EPSEB-UPC Materials Laboratory, through which an interdisciplinary team has conducted geotechnical, geological and rock alteration studies to be used in the restoration process. The quarry has been enabled to be visited, at least along its perimeter. In order to ensure unstable areas, mortars and concrete should be designed, compatible with the composition of the rocks as well as their chromaticity.

