
Catedral de Barcelona

Instrumentation works of the dome of the Cathedral.

2016. Barcelona, Catalunya

Joan Ramón Rosell, Montserrat Bosch, Marc TousJavier Alvarez del Castillo


Brief description:


The Gothic Cathedral of Barcelona, which began in 1298, had been "under construction" during almost 600 years, and its current appearance is, therefore, the one of the works completed in 1905. Over the years, pollution and degradation processes of materials have forced new restoration works to alleviate some problems of stability and improve the appearance of the cathedral: patina, black crust, deposition, erosion of the pieces, loosening, etc. these have forced an intervention that consists, among other works, to disassemble the entire spire of the cathedral, to clean the elements and replace the iron connectors for titanium pieces, among other operations. This powerful intervention will entail variations of up to 900 tonnes in the distribution of loads due to counterweights, wind requests, etc., and therefore requires the writing and development of a plan to track possible dysfunctions as a warning mechanism.

Several points are instrumented from strategically placed extensometric and LVDT gauges. All of them connected to a reader storage system that allows online tracking.




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